
Contact Us

Prospective tutors, please send us your CV by email or post. We will reply as soon as possible.


Contact form

You may use the form below to submit an enquiry about any aspect of our service.

If you would like to arrange lessons, please include the following information so that we can deal with your enquiry as quickly as possible:

    Quaver bullet point  Practical or theoretical
    Quaver bullet point  Which instrument, voice and/or style of music required
    Quaver bullet point  Age of pupil
    Quaver bullet point  Any previous musical experience
    Quaver bullet point  The name of the area & postcode that you live in (e.g. Headingley, LS6)
    Quaver bullet point  Any other information you feel is relevant.



Please be assured that the data you voluntarily share with us through this form is done so with your own consent. Once submitted, the information in this form is handled in accordance with our privacy policy; it will be protected, held securely in our records and not shared with any third party without your prior consent. If you choose to register for tuition, this data will be kept on file as a permanent record of your tuition with Roundhay Music, unless you request for this to be deleted at a later time. Please contact us if you think any of your data may need updating in the future.


Roundhay Music
8 Talbot Grove
Tel/Fax: 0113 269 7754

© 2019 Roundhay Music